Sunday, June 29, 2008
He might not be done....
At home
I love it when he looks at me like he's studying me too. It's almost like he's trying to associate a figure with the voice he's heard for the last eight months.
Andy and Shannon Raines came by to say hi and brought their daughter Mallory, who was born on April 21st. Future in-laws? :)
The first day home Cade spent some time on the counter while I was washing some dishes. We have a bird feeder right outside the window in the kitchen and he just sat there watching the birds. Everything is so new!
Jared Tanner and his wife Davi brought us dinner last night. They are a truly selfless couple that respond to needs in a selfless manner.
Ella Grace Tanner (Jared & Davi's niece) was so excited to see "Baby Cade." She wants to be able to call him in the future. :)
Christen Dowell is one of our favorite youth from Bridgepointe who is now out at the University of Louisville. She has a great babysitting job out there. If she didn't I think we'd be able to talk her into transferring to IU to babysit when Susie heads back up there this fall.
He really likes to be cuddled up on the shoulder.
Who wants a kiss?
Kendall, Ramsey, and Chaney Keaton. We love hanging out with their entire family. I think I see babysitters in this picture.
I have a pretty funny story to share the next time I post. It won't be long. I was laughing so hard I was crying. It had to do with learning about taking care of a baby. Stay tuned!
Friday, June 27, 2008
We're home!
The nurses really emphasized skin-to-skin contact with him. So we had some great daddy-son time last night while we waited for Susie to pump him some milk.
"Look Dad, you can take a breather. I can feed myself now!"
Getting him changed into his going home outfit.
Getting all buckled in for the first time! We were not prepared for a baby, so I had to go home and get the seat installed in the car and come back to get Susie and Cade.
I've never handled or been around a human being this small. This is an infant car seat and it completely swallowed him up! That's ok, that means it'll last for a while.
The men of the Gronseth household. :)
Our first visitor: Carla Clayton (Aunt Carly).
It is so good to be home. I think Cade can feel the tension release from our bodies and has responded by being so relaxed and pleasant to be around (not that he wasn't already). He's sleeping and eating well, and I think he likes his new house. Susie and I are so grateful to be home.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Blue light special
Cade has been eating great today. He's learned to latch on to Susie and eat real well, and then after nursing he's also bottle-feeding more of her milk that she has pumped. It's great to see him eating so well, and the nurses are very pleased. Here are some true glo-worm pictures. When they bring him to the room to be fed he has a Bili-blanket on his back that allows him to still have some phototherapy when he's away from the nursery. It's given us a chance to take "artistic freedom" with our photography. Enjoy the pictures!
Look at the next three pictures. I put the 30 week ultrasound picture in between a couple closeups. We think it's amazing how much he looks like the ultrasound picture. The ultrasound technology is amazing. Like I've said before, I'm biased, but I think he's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen.
Bottle-feeding like a champ.
I love my little buddy. Kisses help him eat better. :)
Proud Granddaddy and Vee Vee with their first grandchild.
Look Ma, no tubes!
No, we didn't fold him in half. :) He just likes to rub his face a lot and has started scratching himself so we put some little socks on his hands to protect him from any more scratching.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
A great day
So it would take something even better to top that and that something happened today. After his 9 AM feeding we decided that Susie needed to get some rest so she went to sleep in her bed. I laid down on my bed on my side with Cade nestled in next to me between me and a pillow with my arm around him. He was just laying there cooing and before I knew it we were both fast asleep. I woke up about a half hour later when he moved a little. It was our first daddy-son nap together and after a day and a half of watching him sleep under a hood it was indescribable how good it felt to take a nap with him.
We had some visitors today and we got a couple pictures of friends holding Cade. This is Davi Tanner. She and her husband Jared are great friends and hosted a surprise shower for us a few weeks back with some of our friends.
LaDonna Taylor came by too and we snapped this picture of her holding Cade. She is also a great friend and is responsible for our fashionable hair cuts. We're looking forward to taking little Cade to her when it's time for his first cut. If you look closely in this picture you can kind of see how he already is working on some smashingly handsome sideburns, because he wants to be just like his daddy. :)
The obligatory glo-worm picture.
My first poopy diaper. I wasn't quite ready with the wipes when I got the dirty one off so he soaked his onesie pretty good. Live and learn, I guess. I'm sure I'll get plenty more practice soon enough!
Since he's been feeding well they are taking the feeding tube out of his nose tonight! We'll get lots of pictures when we get him back after that. Tomorrow morning he will be circumcised, and they'll watch him after that. They haven't given us a definitive answer, but they're going to watch him for a while and we're guessing he'll probably get to go home on Friday! We have had the best experience with the hospital staff here, and owe a lot to them for taking such good care of Susie and Cade. We're going to let the nursery take care of Cade tonight while we get some much needed rest. I'll update more tomorrow.
Eating Well!
More good news!
I love this picture with his tiny hand gripping my finger as he ate. The nurse told us that for some unknown reason if you let him grip your finger, he'll actually suck better as he grips harder. They're not exactly sure why that works, but it's just another one of those things that God has built into us.
Not quite sure about the whole burping process yet. :)
Making footprints! He was a little fussy at this point.
And then this morning they brought him down to our room to let us feed him. They want him to take 15 mL of formula at a feeding. He gets tired out before he can get that much down so we're still using the feeding tube to push the last 5-7 mL directly into his stomach. It's actually a very good way to do it because he doesn't get too tired but he still get's all his required nutrition. He's been making poopy diapers all night but we keep dodging changing our first one because he keeps doing it after we leave. That's what nurses are for at this point. :) Here's a picture of Susie holding him here in the room.
Here's a short video of Cade in our room. We are so thankful for time alone with him. Again, we appreciate the prayers coming our family's way. I'll update more a little later.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Out from under the hood!
He still has the monitors hooked up to his chest and feet, but they've dressed him up for us and he sure looks handsome! He still needs a lot of rest and a lot of prayer, so please keep it coming. We'll update more in the morning. For now we're going to try and sleep before his midnight feeding. The nurse told us if he's doing well at that time we'll probably get to hold him again! If so, I'll post some more pictures of that! Thanks for everyone's prayers, thoughts, and well wishes. We've been getting a lot of calls, text messages, and emails. I've tried to keep up with all of them but please don't be offended if I haven't gotten back to you yet. We are amazed at God's provision and timing and are comforted by the fact that His hand is big enough to hold the entire world and caring enough to hold our little baby. Enjoy the pictures!