Thursday, June 26, 2008

Blue light special

Cade has been under the blue lights all day today because of his jaundice. They bring him to our room every three hours for feeding, and after they take him back I'm immediately counting the minutes down until the next feeding. We've moved rooms twice since last night. Because they discharged Susie yesterday we had to move to a smaller room late last night and that was when they stopped treating Susie and checking on her. That was ok because Susie is doing great, and it eliminated the times when she'd get woken up by a nurse to be evaluated and have vitals taken. Then the mother/baby unit got slammed with delivering mothers, so today we had to move to a triage room right outside the mother/baby unit. The room is a little smaller, but we're still right down the hall from the nursery and very grateful that we are able to stay here so near to our son.

Cade has been eating great today. He's learned to latch on to Susie and eat real well, and then after nursing he's also bottle-feeding more of her milk that she has pumped. It's great to see him eating so well, and the nurses are very pleased. Here are some true glo-worm pictures. When they bring him to the room to be fed he has a Bili-blanket on his back that allows him to still have some phototherapy when he's away from the nursery. It's given us a chance to take "artistic freedom" with our photography. Enjoy the pictures!

Proud momma!

Look at the next three pictures. I put the 30 week ultrasound picture in between a couple closeups. We think it's amazing how much he looks like the ultrasound picture. The ultrasound technology is amazing. Like I've said before, I'm biased, but I think he's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen.

Bottle-feeding like a champ.

I love my little buddy. Kisses help him eat better. :)

Proud Granddaddy and Vee Vee with their first grandchild.

1 comment:

The randomness that is my life said...

Ah yes the billy bed..Glenna had to be in one of those two. I hated it.